A rash of craziness washed over Kings-Warriors on Wednesday night as both teams headed into the All-Star break. The Kings hung around in the first half before this wild sequence occurred. 

First, DeMarcus Cousins hit an and-one while throwing the ball over his head: 

And then Draymond Green became so upset with the calls that he decided to depart the festivities and start his All-Star partying a little early. From SLAM Online:

Green keeps racking up technicals. Now he has 10 with two months of the season to go. At 16, he would get suspended one game. This isn’t really going to matter in the grand scheme of things, and he has shown he can peel back when he needs to (unlike Cousins). But it is interesting to watch, at least. Green has actually gotten a pretty good whistle since he was a young player in terms of benefit of the doubt from the officials, but his constant hammering and freaking out at them has given him a reputation which is likely going to speed up their reaction time to issue technicals. 

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So Green got an early start to his break. The Warriors followed him pretty soon after when they blitzed the Kings with a 22-0 run en route to a 42-15 third quarter and coasted to their 47th victory.