The four of these guys were on a yacht together when the LeSean McCoy trade offer came. (USATSI)

One of the biggest trades of the NFL offseason so far came on March 3 when the Eagles agreed to ship LeSean McCoy off to Buffalo in exchange for Bills linebacker Kiko Alonso.

The most surprising part of the deal though might not be the fact that it involved McCoy, but the fact that the Bills owner, general manager and head coach were all drinking wine together on a yacht in Florida when the trade happened.

It's not often that we get to hear about the exact details that led up to a big trade, however, we know how this trade went down because the Bills shared the details with's Jenny Vrentas

Bills coach Rex Ryan, team president Russ Brandon and general manager Doug Whaley were all on a yacht owned by Bills owner Terry Pegula on March 3 when a representative from the Eagles called Whaley to ask if the Bills were interested in trading for McCoy. 

The Eagles wanted a few draft picks in exchange for McCoy, but the Bills didn't have anything big to offer since they traded away their 2015 first-rounder when they moved up in the 2014 draft in a trade with the Browns so that they could take Sammy Watkins.

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Knowing he didn't have an enticing draft pick to offer in exchange for McCoy, Whaley asked the Eagles if they were interested in trading for someone already on the Bills' roster.  

The Eagles asked if Alonso was available -- and the rest is history. 

The entire trade went down in less than 30 minutes and afterward, the Bills' brass got to celebrate with more wine. 

"I'm not a red wine guy," Ryan told MMQB. "But that day, I drank red wine."

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It's always interesting to hear how a trade went down, especially when it's one of the most shocking trades of the offseason.