The new, faster practice tempo set by Miami Dolphins coach Joe Philbin may finally be starting to pay off for rookie quarterback Ryan Tannehill.

Philbin, who was the offensive coordinator in Green Bay last season, has brought a fast-paced approach to the Dolphins' practice regimen, trying to cram as many plays and situations as possible in each session. The offense, which has struggled to find rhythm even in practice, clicked for stretches during Thursday’s two-minute drill when the team went no-huddle and was forced to play faster.

Tannehill, the eighth overall in April’s draft, looked the sharpest during his drive, hooking up several times with receiver Marlon Moore before a touchdown pass in the end zone was dropped by receiver Roberto Wallace.

Meantime, incumbent Matt Moore and third-teamer Pat Devlin threw interceptions during their chances with the hurry-up attack. Tannehill still remains listed at No. 2 on the depth chart, but this performance will only pressure on Philbin to give him the starting job sooner than expected.

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Tannehill’s first chance could come on Friday at Carolina in the team’s second preseason game.

“There’s a good possibility [Tannehill will play against Carolina’s first-team defense],” Philbin said. “He’s going to at some point in the preseason, there’s no question about that. Whether it’s against Carolina or not remains to be seen, but he will get some reps with the ones against the one defense."

I’m so sorry: Former Miami receiver Chad Johnson wants everyone to know he is sorry.

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Johnson was cut on Monday after being arrested on Saturday for allegedly assaulting his wife, Evelyn Lozada.

Johnson was recently married to Lozada, a reality TV star, and the pair were supposed to have a show together before Johnson allegedly struck her. VH1 has since cancelled the series.

Johnson took to his OchoCinco News Network to apologize on Thursday:

"I would like to apologize to everyone for the recent events that have occurred. I would like to wish Evelyn well and I will never say anything bad about her because I truly love her to death. I will continue to be positive and train hard for another opportunity in the NFL. To all the fans and supporters I have disappointed, you have my sincerest apologies. I will stay positive and get through this period in my life."

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For more up-to-the-minute news and analysis on the Miami Dolphins from blogger Dave Carey, follow @CBSSportsNFLMIA.