A few days ago, Broncos linebacker Elvis Dumervil was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a firearm in Miami.

The incident allegedly occurred when the victim merged in front of Dumervil in stopped traffic. Both sides made threats to each other and honked their horns before Dumervil apparently got out of his car, lifted his shirt and brandished a firearm.

While two sources told the Denver Post that Dumervil didn’t actually have a weapon on him at the time of the confrontation, other witnesses have come forward to police to confirm the original report. According to police, after they ordered Dumervil out of his car, officers asked if he had a firearm in vehicle. He said no; the police then allegedly found one in his glove compartment.

Dumervil’s agent believes the charge will be dismissed after the investigation is complete, but until then, we get this fun billboard that’s been placed in the Denver area.

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Somebody in Denver has a sense of humor. (Dave Althouse, KCVR)

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