NFL legend Eric Dickerson had some things to say about a famous former neighbor. (TMZ)

From the Department of Things I Never Thought I'd Be Writing About, we have former Rams, Colts, Raiders and Falcons running back Eric Dickerson speaking to TMZ about his former neighbor, pop star/Floyd Mayweather entourage member Justin Bieber, saying "a good a** whoopin' never hurt nobody."

Dickerson's comments were apparently made in response to a video the singer (I think he's still a singer, right?) made where he vowed to change his ways, which Dickerson says is "possible."

A couple years back, Dickerson told TMZ, "I've seen [Justin] driving fast around Calabasas before in the Ferrari. It's just not safe." He also said he was fine with fellow neighbor and ex-NFL wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson giving the kid a stern talking-to. "I don't blame Keyshawn, he's got kids ... I don't blame him for trying to get [Justin's] attention."

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Here's the video of Dickerson talking to TMZ, where he also lets on that the hardest hits he took in his career were from Ronnie Lott and Mike Singletary: