After seemingly getting his career back on track in Seattle, former No. 3 overall pick Dion Jordan, a free agent, is facing yet another suspension. 

As NFL Network's Tom Pelissero reported on Tuesday, Jordan, who has been suspended three times previously, has been handed a 10-game suspension for taking Adderall, which violates the NFL's performance-enhancing drug policy. His appeal has been denied.

Jordan has previously taken Adderall to treat ADHD, but his therapeutic use exemption expired, Pelissero reported. Talking with Pelissero on the phone, Jordan said he took Adderall last season as a way to cope with issues not related to football. According to Jordan, his sister was dealing with serious personal issues and before the playoffs, he found out his grandmother had only weeks left to live.

"I thought it was going to help me dial in -- for the moment, for the day, whatever," he said. "That was my intentions behind what I was doing. It was a bit much at the time. I'm not saying that it was the right thing. But for myself, it was just what I went to."

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Jordan, who previously struggled with drugs and alcohol, told Pelissero that he is 803 days sober. 

"I made a mistake," Jordan said. "I feel like the person that I am, I'm ready to move forward, I've been ready to move forward, with this specific issue. I've been working really hard with myself outside of football, and I can see the progress as a young man, as Dion Jordan, I can see it.

"My whole lifestyle -- it's been a 180-degree change. I f---ed up, man. I can't fix this s---. It is what it is. But I know what I can't do and what not to do compared to the mistakes I've made in the past."

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The No. 3 pick of the Dolphins back in 2013, Jordan was dealt his first two suspensions in 2014, which resulted in a six-game absence. In 2015, the league suspended him for the entire season. He was reinstated before the 2016 season, but he didn't take the field due to a knee injury. The Dolphins cut ties with him in March 2017 after getting only 26 games and three sacks out of him over a four-year span. 

Jordan landed with the Seahawks a month later, but was limited to only five games. Still, in those five games Jordan impressed with four sacks. It was enough for the Seahawks to keep him around for the 2018 season, during which he notched 1.5 sacks in 12 games. So in his six-year career, Jordan's only been able to play in 43 of 96 possible games because of both suspensions and injuries.

Due to his latest suspension, Jordan won't be able to play in more than six games during the upcoming season, but he could help a contender with a late season playoff push. Jordan's agent told Pelissero that he expects his client to sign somewhere soon, noting that 8-10 teams are interested in his services. 

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As it stands, there aren't many quality pass rushers available to sign after the Seahawks scooped up Ezekiel Ansah last week. Muhammad Wilkerson is probably the best pass rusher still stuck in free agency. Jordan isn't as good as Wilkerson. He's certainly not as reliable. But someone might give him another chance to prove he belongs in the NFL.