Once Johnny Manziel's career in Cleveland was officially over, you knew it was only going to be a matter of time before someone spliced together all the "highlights" of his time with the Browns and turned them into a tribute video.

That time is now.

Manziel was released on Friday, and it took less than 24 hours for someone to collect a bunch of Manziel clips and turn them into a seven-and-a-half minute video that contains everything that Manziel ever did during his brief career with the Browns.

There's the time Johnny was hanging with Bieber.

There's also the time that Johnny was rolling money in the bathroom. Johnny talking on his cash phone is also in the video.

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Johnny talking to Lebron also made the cut. And of course, Johnny drinking on an inflatable swan is included in the roundup.

There are also football highlights, like when Johnny flipped the bird at the Redskins sideline during a preseason game.

The entire video, which is set to Adele's "Someone like You," might make you cry if you're a Browns fan, because it will undoubtedly remind you of all the wasted first-round picks in franchise history.

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Anyway, there are a few naughty words in the video, so keep that in mind before watching it. To see Johnny's unofficial Browns highlight video on YouTube, just click here.

This ended poorly. (USATSI)