Jay Cutler has a cool ride. (USATSI)

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Jay Cutler is a dad now, so forgive him if the Bears quarterback doesn't drive a Bentley to training camp like his running back, Matt Forte, or if he eschews the Formula One entrance that was bestowed upon the world Wednesday by Colts receiver Reggie Wayne.

Instead, he's driving a van. Not a mini-van. But a big ol' manly full-size fan. You know, the kind of van a bunch of fun-loving kid baseball players might hijack from their coach in order to drive to Houston to play a game at the Astrodome in which Bob Watson declared, "LET THE KIDS PLAY."

ANYWAY, here's what Cutler's ride looks like, via Megan Mawicke.

And ...

And ...

And in case anybody needed the latest Cutler meme: How about Smokin' Jay Cutler in his new conversion van!

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As for what his teammates thought, here's what Forte said: "I hope I can play some video games in it after practice."