For Johnny Manziel, Draft Day 2016 probably wasn't as exciting as it was for him in 2014.  

Two years ago, Manziel spent Draft Day in New York, where he was the toast of the town. The Browns were so excited by Johnny Football in 2014 that they made him the 22nd-overall pick with hopes that he'd save the franchise and turn Cleveland's Factory of Sadness into a Factory of Fun. 

That didn't happen though. 

Now let's fast forward to this year: Draft Day 2016 was a harsh reality check for Manziel, who is now apparently a Bieber groupie.

For the first round of the draft on Thursday, Johnny Football spent part of his day in an Ohio bar watching things unfold on television. 

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If Manziel saw any of the Laremy Tunsil escapade, he was probably nodding his head as it happened. 

Anyway, Manziel didn't sit around and watch the draft for the entire night, he had bigger plans: He went to a Justin Bieber concert in Columbus.

Manziel has gone full Belieber on us: The concert on Thursday marked the second time in three days that he's attended a Bieber concert. Manziel also showed up to Bieber's concert in Cleveland on Tuesday. 

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Manziel might not be in the NFL anymore, but people still love to take photos with him. The former Browns quarterback was one of the most popular people at the Bieber concert.

Apparently, Manziel was taking pictures with anyone who asked.

And girls weren't the only ones who asked for a photo-op with Johnny Football, guys were also asking. 

Manziel's days as a Bieber groupie won't be going on much longer though, because he has to head back to Texas by next week. Manziel was indicted on a misdemeanor assault charge on Tuesday and has to turn himself into to Dallas County authorities by May 5.  

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Johnny Manziel spent draft day in a bar. (Twitter/@Shaunlaibe)