It's probably safe to say that no NFL quarterback had less sex than Russell Wilson over the past year.

Now, we don't usually talk about the sex lives of NFL quarterbacks here, but we do with Wilson because he turned his sex life into a story last July when he publicly announced that he wouldn't be having sex with Ciara until they got married.

Over the past year, the subject would regularly come up, and sometimes, it came up because Ciara was asked about it.

"[Abstinence] is going pretty good. We're hanging in there," Ciara said in February. "I'm not gonna lie. I'm human, so it is not easy, especially when I look at him and I think he is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen -- that I've ever laid my eyes on, to be honest. I'm like, Look the other way! Look the other way!"

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Wilson's non-sex life made the headlines again in March, when Khloe Kardashian brought it up on her reality show.

"They should be having sex," Kardashian said of Ciara and Wilson at the time. "With all due respect to Ciara, she has a baby. It's not like we don't know if she is a virgin or not."

As you can see, the couple's celibate lifestyle took over the internet.

Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that after news leaked of Wilson and Ciara's marriage Wednesday, America only wanted to do one thing: Congratulate them for having sex.

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Wilson and Ciara are clearly in on the joke because the day after their wedding, they sent out several Snapchat videos alluding to their wedding night.

Racy! We can't say with 100 percent certainty that they're talking about sex in the video, but I think we know that they're talking about sex.

So what do you do after your first night together? You take a tour of London, because why not.

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Austin Powers would definitely approve.