The Redskins haven’t won a division title since 1999, but they have a chance to end that drought Sunday night.

They haven’t even been in position on the final day to win one since 1999.

And they’ve only clinched two playoff spots in the interim, as they've gone 81-111 since their last division crown.

So, yes, the Redskins are a bit excited to taste some success when they face Dallas at FedEx Field.

Here’s a little of what the players are saying: 

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  • LB Lorenzo Alexander: “When we were 5-11, it was hard for people to say, ‘Oh, I Iove the Redskins.’ Now it’s genuine. It’s awesome… It’s not like I’m Robert [Griffin III], but I can barely go out without people saying, ‘Good job; we’re so excited.’ We’re at the Wizards-Lakers game and everyone’s coming up saying, ‘Oh, man you guys are doing such a great job. You’re balling.’ It’s just cool.”
  • LT Trent Williams: “No matter how long you play you will remember this game, this moment.”
  • TE Chris Cooley: “The goal is to win a Super Bowl. If we win a division title and lose in the first round no one gives a damn… I don’t think this group of guys cares -- 90 percent of this team haven’t been playing for the Redskins long enough to think that they haven’t won the division in 13 years. We’re here to win. We’re here to win it all. I’m here to win it all. If this was my last year forever I wouldn’t pat myself on the back five years from now and say yeah I was part of a team that won the division.”
  • CB DeAngelo Hall: “You can see the buzz in the city, even from a distance, the last couple weeks. You can tell something special’s going on. It means nothing if we can’t capitalize though. It’s definitely an added sense of pressure, but that’s why we play this game. A winner-take-all scenario. It’s been a long time.”
  • WR Santana Moss: “It’s special. But honestly, I don’t get caught up in this stuff until it’s all said and done. I’m grateful to be in this situation because I know it’s been years and I’ve been fighting hard just to get to this moment, but I can’t express what I’m feeling until we accomplish what we’re trying to accomplish. I don’t feel we’ve accomplished nothing yet. There’s too much at stake to dwell on how good our feelings are.”

John Keim covers the Redskins for the Washington Examiner. Follow him on Twitter @CBSRedskins or @John_Keim.