The sports world was thrown out of orbit Thursday morning when former FBI director Louis Freeh issued his report on the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State/Joe Paterno cover-up. It’s ugly -- as you can see right here -- and it’s disappointing.

Some, though, think that it’s not only galling that top Penn State officials looked the other way when they knew Sandusky was taking advantage of young boys. Some, like outspoken Falcons receiver Roddy White, is disappointed in other angles of this immense story.

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White's Twitter feed. (Twitter)

Obviously, White has a right to say -- or tweet -- whatever he wants. If he wants to speak his mind, good for him. But today, when most people find this Penn State story so repugnant, it’s probably better for players, if they believe Paterno somehow has been wronged, not to say much of anything all.

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