Queen Anne Elementary went all out. (YouTube)

A few days ago, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady released a hype video through his Facebook page set to a monologue from the Friday Night Lights movie.

Not to be outdone, the children from Queen Anne Elementary School in Seattle have come up with a hype video of their own, this one set to Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. They of course changed every usage of "eye of the tiger" to "heart of the Seahawks," and made some other alterations as well.

Let's throw it out there: this is awesome. And the production value is amazing. Slow-mo running to open the video! Elementary school kids weight-lifting jugs of iced tea! Stair running! Inspirational whiteboards! A KID DRAWING UP PLAYS! Pull-ups! Jumping jacks! One kid wearing a "PUGS not drugs" shirt! A different kid wearing green hair and a cape! A teacher trying and failing to lead a "Seahawks! Super Bowl!" chant in the middle of the video! Overhead shots of everyone lined up in the shape of a 12! Shaky-cam walk through the hallway! A KID DOING THE WORM! THEY SPELLED OUT THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL IN SKITTLES!

Bravo, music teacher Ms. Stone for the idea and execution. Bravo, Queen Anne students for the epic performances. Bravo, Principal Elliott for allowing this thing to be filmed. Did everybody just not go to class for a day?

(You can subscribe to the Eye on Football Podcast -- live from the Super Bowl all week! -- via iTunes right here.)

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