Boise State's Nick Duncan flew the bird with pride in a game on Wednesday night against Utah State. He didn't do it for fun. Utah State fans on hand were reportedly mocking the Boise State big man, with one fan saying he would get "shut down like the Dunkin' Donuts did here."

These were Duncan's thoughts.

"I apologize for my actions at the end of last night's game," Nick Duncan said in a prepared statement on Thursday. "I pride myself on being above all of the noise I hear when we go on the road, but last night I let it get the best of me. I need to be better than that.

"I apologize to my teammates and coaches for taking any attention away from what we accomplished on the court, and to our young fans for setting a poor example of sportsmanship. I look forward to my remaining opportunities to represent Boise State University and make Bronco Nation proud."

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Although Duncan's gesture was rather offensive, Boise State announced no disciplinary action would be taken on him after the public apology.

"Boise State does not condone this type of behavior from anyone within our program," Boise State Athletic Director Curt Apsey said in a release. "Nick Duncan has a long track record as one of the finest citizens in our department and he is deeply apologetic about his actions last night. He understands the level of sportsmanship we expect from our student-athletes and I have no doubt he will meet that expectation moving forward. I have spoken with the Mountain West office about this incident and based upon our response the matter is considered closed."

This wasn't the first time Utah State fans mocked Duncan, which could explain his level of frustration. Here's what Sam Vecenie of Sporting News wrote for CBS Sports after a similar incident last year.

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"Duncan Doughnuts! Duncan Doughnuts!" the fan screamed at the top of his lungs so that everyone could hear him in the half-filled Honda Center. It's an insult Duncan hears all too often, but the Australian had a typically mellow response to it when asked about it

"You heard one guy screaming 'Duncan Doughnuts,'" Duncan told CBS Sports after the game. "At Utah State, I had about 10,000 people screaming that."

Not only did Duncan get off scot-free, he also got a bit of a revenge (minus the flying bird, of course). He finished the game with a season-high 18 points and his team stole the win on the road, 83-80.