The NCAA announced Monday night that it is moving seven championships from North Carolina, including the 2017 NCAA Tournament, because of the state's HB2 law that limits protections for LGBT individuals.

When the news broke, I tweeted a simple "Good on the NCAA."

Then a man named Mark asked a question (without a question mark).

Here's my answer to Mark's question (without a question mark): what's so great about it is that, just like the NBA and several artists -- among them Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam and Ringo Starr -- the NCAA is using whatever power it has to try to bring about change in a state that has a discriminatory law on the books that will go down on the wrong side of history.

And, please, don't try to argue against the last part of that sentence.

Because it's true.

This law will go down on the wrong side of history because, in this country, all discriminatory laws go down on the wrong side of history. There's literally no exception in the history of the United States. For whatever reason, the Governor of North Carolina, a Republican named Pat McCrory, either doesn't realize this or doesn't care. So he signed the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act back in March. And by doing so he's cost his state well more than $100 million in revenue, according to estimations.

The NCAA moving seven championships will cost North Carolina even more.

So let me go ahead and tell you how this story ends.

Either McCrory will eradicate or amend the law someday because the economic hit will become too much. Or voters in North Carolina will elect somebody who will. Either or. Doesn't matter. One way or another, the HB2 bill will go away, eventually. And, when it does, the question everybody will ask is why North Carolina didn't make it go away earlier, you know, before it cost the state more money than a Clayton Kershaw contract.

The NCAA will have played a role in that.

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So, like I said, good on the NCAA.