Will the Preds miss Radulov's offensive abilities? (US Presswire)

It looks like Alexander Radulov and Andrei Kostitsyn have been Wally Pipped.

The two Nashville forwards were suspended for Game 3's 20 win over the Coyotes after violating team rules, leaving the decision up to Barry Trotz of whether or not they'll play in Game 4. His answer?

"They don't want to make a change," Radulov explained on Friday morning.

Why would Trotz want to? The Predators were 0-2 before the suspensions and then won Game 3 without Radulov and Kostitsyn. Knowing full well how superstitious and prone to riding what's working people in hockey are, you had a good feeling that was going to be the case.

"The decision for me was pretty simple," Trotz said. "Alex and Andrei are top players ... but the group responded."

Now it starts to get to the point that you wonder if the Preds are able to keep winning if/when the two will be able to get back into the lineup at all? You know what they say -- and for the record, it's a motto to live by -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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It shouldn't be a big surprise that the Preds had some success in Game 3. They obviously were having plenty of success before Kostitsyn and Radulov joined the roster this season, it isn't as if those two were a big reason why the Predators got to where they are. They had their roles, sure, but the positioning was already set forth by the Preds before their arrivals.

Imagine being in the two benched players' spots. Obviously you want the team to do well but are you sort of hoping they struggle so that you can get back on the ice for Game 5? No competitor likes to sit in the press box when they can be helping the team, it stings a lot. To clarify, I don't think either would want the team to struggle, but it's something that might cross a mind or two.

Also, you do have to wonder about the psyche of the benched players. They already took their medicine and got the message for the Game 3 benching, now do you risk going too far the other direction?

It's a fine line and a tough spot for Trotz to be in.

Of course, Radulov and Kostitsyn put Trotz in that spot to begin with so I suppose there isn't too much room to gripe. OK, there's always room to gripe, but there probably won't be too many sympathetic to them still.

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