Several high-profile college football coaches have released public service announcements urging fans of all ages follow the guidelines of our local, state and federal officials in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Alabama's Nick Saban is the latest coach to use his platform to help the fight against the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

The six-time national champion's PSA was released through Alabama's official Twitter account on Tuesday, and on it, he urged all Crimson Tide fans to practice social distancing.

"Please understand the following guidelines of social distancing," he said. "It's important. We ask that everyone please wash your hands often. Stay at home if at all possible. And when you have to be out in public, make sure you keep 6 feet between you and the nearest person. We are in this together, and as one team, we will get through these difficult times. And together, we look forward to all that's to come, like the opportunity to play college football this fall. But the best and safest to ensure that happens is to listen to the experts, follow their guidelines and take care of each other. Stay safe and Roll Tide."  

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Saban also took the opportunity to speak to fans on how the football team has been handling the hiatus caused by the pandemic.

"For Alabama football, the safety of our players and staff is what's most important," he said. "We're not having organized team activities of any kind, but we are continuing to communicate and support our players while doing everything in our power to ensure their health, safety and wellness."

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The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the entire world over the last three months. More than 400,000 people worldwide have been infected by the coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins, including more than 50,000 in the United States. As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 18,000 people worldwide have died from the virus.