Phillies GM Ruben Amaro Jr. said his club's strategy at the deadline will be "more about retooling than it is about redoing," Todd Zolecki of reported.

As Zolecki notes, much of the Phillies core -- such as Roy Halladay, Hunter Pence, Jonathan Papelbon, Ryan Howard and Chase Utley -- will be under contract for 2013. The only major free agent departures will be from Cole Hamels, Joe Blanton and Shane Victorino.

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Judging by Amaro's statement, it could just be those three free agents we see heading out come the trade deadline. Still, Hamels and Victorino alone are a substantial amount of talent to replace. Hamels ranks in the top 10 in the NL in FIP at 3.29 and only Matt Kemp and Andrew McCutchen have a higher OPS+ than Victorino's 108 among NL CFs over the past three seasons.