During Wednesday's loss to the Cubs in the NL Wild Card, Pirates utility man Sean Rodriguez got into a fight with the cooler in his dugout after being ejected for throwing a punch. If you haven't seen it yet, behold:

Rodriguez joins a long line of dugout equipment abusers who have violated inanimate objects in the dugout over the years.

Sticking with coolers, we've got Carlos Perez (just watch No. 10):

And then Carlos Zambrano, in an absolute tour-de-force of an ejection:

Seriously, that's amazing. We've got the "no, YOU!" ejection of the umpire, trying and failing to throw the ball out of the park and then the bat against the cooler.

Brian Wilson also got a cooler among other things in 2011:

Paul O'Neill didn't look water coolers, apparently (via pinstripealley.com):

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It may not have been a cooler, but it may have. All we know is that Chris Sale took something out:

We can't be sure what Chris Sale got, but it looks like it was something (hopefully inanimate, of course):

In the non-cooler division, how about David Ortiz vs. the Camden Yards phone?

Big Papi mad!

How about going back to 1991 for the Hall of Famer, Andre Dawson, having some issues with Joe West? Skip to the 45-second mark on this grainy video:

Obviously these aren't even close to being all the issues players have had with inanimate objects in dugouts throughout the years, so what instances would you like to add to the list? Let us know in the comments.

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And remember, if something at work makes you angry today, definitely destroy an inanimate object. That's always the way to resolve things.