Mariners general manager Jack Zduriencik says that the team will let recent trade acquisition Robert Andino compete to start at shorstop, according to's Greg Johns.

The Mariners acquired Andino in a trade Tuesday that sent outfielder Trayvon Robinson to Baltimore.

Andino, 28, has made 105 starts at shortstop in his career, while starting 194 times at second base, 34 times at third base and twice in left field.

He hit just .211/.283/.305 in 431 plate appearances for the Orioles in 2012.

The Mariners' incumbent at shortstop is Brendan Ryan, who hit .194/.277/.278 in 470 plate appearances in 2012. However, Ryan is known as a quality defensive shortstop as well, and he ranked No. 1 in the league with a +14.7 UZR in 2012, according to Fangraphs.

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