Over the weekend, the Orioles held their annual FanFest event, giving fans a chance to meet players and play games and do all sorts of fun stuff. These FanFest events are a blast. Check one out if you've never been. You'll have more fun than you think.

At one point during the FanFest, the O's held a Kids Press Conference, where young fans were able to ask their favorite players a question. One young fan named Lily asked Chris Tillman why manager Showalter never smiles. Here's the video:

Smart move by Tillman to defer the question to Showalter himself. That's probably what I'd do too.

The good news is Lily had a chance to ask Showalter her question. And, naturally, Showalter gave a very serious answer. Here's the transcript:

"I laugh a lot. It's a very serious time and a lot of people are counting on us, for our concentration level to be high. There's a time to laugh -- we win, smile after the game's over, that brings a great smile to my face -- and there's things that happen over the course of the game. I belly laugh once or twice a day. Adam Jones cracks me up."

"If you ever see me leave my little perch as my wife calls it, I go down the runway and I'm laughing real hard about something. So I have my moments. I'm very serious about what we're trying to accomplish here. I smile a lot. Trust me."

So there you have it. Showalter does smile during games, but he does it down in the tunnels where no one can see him. Baseball is very serious business.

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(h/t Big League Stew)

Buck Showalter is a very serious man. (USATSI)