Gilbert Arenas has been back in our lives recently as he tried to capitalize on the struggles of Roy Hibbert during the first round of the playoffs. Arenas was posting jokes and criticism of Hibbert on Instagram after each poor showing. Some wondered how Arenas could talk so critically of the center when he wasn't even playing anymore himself.

Perhaps that will change soon. Arenas posted more stuff on his Instagram account, but this time it had more to do with his play than somebody else's. He's training to make a comeback, presumably in the NBA, and to help him train harder he's wearing a mask that restricts his breathing. It looks a bit like the mask Bain wore in a Batman movie.

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It's hard to tell just how ready Arenas might be for this comeback. He looks heavy for a point guard right now and he hasn't been a productive player in the NBA since the 2009-10 season. He also hasn't been in the league since the 2011-12 season. If he's going to make it back to the NBA, he has to prove he's no longer a broken player on the court or a distraction off the court. Maybe heckling NBA players during the playoffs wasn't the best idea? Here are some more of his training videos: