The league has fined J.R. Smith $50,000 for what they call "recurring instances of unsportsmanlike conduct."

More plainly speaking, Smith was fined for untying opponent's shoes on the free throw line. 

It started with Smith untying Shawn Marion's shoes the other night, or at least that's when he was caught doing it. The league reportedly had a meeting with him to discuss it, and he was warned to not try it again

However, he appeared to try it again against the Pistons on Tuesday, reaching for Greg Monroe's shoes on the free throw line. 

Smith said on Twitter that it's something he's done often.

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"Yeah I do it every game!" he tweeted.

Knicks coach Mike Woodson though is not amused. 

“He shouldn’t be doing stuff like that,” Woodson said Tuesday, according to “I’m going to talk to him a little more about it when I get in there. His focus should just be on playing basketball. That’s what it’s about and those are things you just don’t do. You think you’ve seen it all and something creeps in.”

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This is Smith's second fine of the season as he was hit with a $25,000 tab for "directing inappropriate and hostile language" towards Brandon Jennings in a little Twitter spat.