New York Knicks owner James Dolan has spoken out about the recent viral incident involving a fan at Madison Square Garden. 

In an interview with a New York City radio station, Dolan claims the fan set him up with an "ambush" and has now been banned from MSG. Via ESPN:

On "The Michael Kay Show" on 1050 ESPN New York on Tuesday, Dolan called the confrontation an "ambush" and said the fan sold the video to TMZ.

"The ban is only coming from the fact that we now have learned that he planned it," Dolan said. "They were stalking me. You can't do that in Madison Square Garden. You are not allowed to stalk the owner and then confront him like that.

"Those particular guys had planned on making that video and selling it on TMZ."

During the Knicks' home defeat to the Sacramento Kings on Saturday afternoon, a fan shouted at Dolan to "sell the team" as the owner was making his way into the tunnel. Instead of ignoring the rather banal heckle, Dolan turned to respond to the fan, asking, "you think I should sell the team? Do you not want to not come to any more games?"

After the fan asked why, Dolan responded simply with, "that's rude." When the fan claimed it was simply an opinion, Dolan disagreed, then told the fan, "enjoy watching them on TV." 

At that point, security was sent to apprehend the fan. 

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Reps from the arena later put out a statement saying, "Our policy is and will continue to be that if you are disrespectful to anyone in our venues, we will ask you not to return."

Additionally, during his radio appearance on Tuesday, Dolan addressed recent rumors floating around the internet that he was planning to sell the team, saying that wasn't the case.

"For the record," Dolan said. "I am not selling the team and I am not quitting."

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So that clears that topic up, at least until the next round of rumors about him selling the team pop up in six months or a year.