Royce White isn't married to the NBA. (Getty Images)

The Royce White situation keeps getting worse and more awkward. A few days ago, we found out the Houston Rockets have been fining their rookie power forward for each missed practice and game. Since this was revealed, White has been on a mission to tell his side of the situation and then some regarding the Rockets, his schedule with the team, and his disorder.

Today, we found out he isn't afraid to walk away from the NBA if it means taking care of his health. Via ESPN:

Houston Rockets rookie Royce White says he is prepared to walk away from the NBA.

Speaking in an interview with ESPN's Colleen Dominguez, White said he was going to meet with general manager Daryl Morey on Monday to discuss his situation with the team.

The Rockets have said they intend to fine White for every day he remains away from the team or does not attend sessions with a therapist arranged by the team. The Houston Chronicle has reported the Rockets have no plans to trade or release White.

With as much as White has talked about his disorder since he became a national figure, it doesn't shock me that he's willing to put his health over a dream a lot of people wish they had. And the message behind what he's saying will get misconstrued as him being ungrateful or unappreciative of the opportunity before him. That kind of reaction to his words would be an unfair reaction, in my estimation.

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With that said, there does come a point where his Twitter discussion about his disorder and the situation gets very awkward. It appears to be too much right now. White keeps mentioning that he's talking about needing support from the Rockets' organization and that's what this explanation is about. The problem is the more he says this stuff on Twitter and focuses it around the issue with the team and not specifically his disorder, it looks like he's just looking for support from the fans.

And if that's the case, it's only going to drive a bigger stake between him and the team. It's hard to imagine how this is reconcilable if he keeps going on this social media mission. Hopefully, cooler heads can prevail down the road and White won't have to walk away from this career. He's an incredibly talented player, but there have been plenty of talented guys who fade away in this league.

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Here's hoping everything gets better and we get nothing but sunshine and puppies the rest of the way.