When you're the Golden State Warriors, you have to find some way to keep your season interesting. For Steve Kerr, it seems as if he's found a way to keep everyone on their toes by bringing items to press conferences and letting reporters tweet out his lineup statements while fiddling with whatever it is he brought out that day. First it was nail clippers:

Then it was Rubik's Cube:

Followed by a slinky:

Kerr just wants to make sure everyone gets the lineup changes down, which is very considerate of him. This probably has a reverse bell curve of funniness, where it starts out good and tapers off, but if he really commits the bit this season then it should stay popular. But, how many classic toys can he use? We have some ideas.

A laser pointer

Mostly so that he can flash it around the room after breaking the news and see if reporters will chase after it like cats. It's hard to say if Kerr is doing this bit out of disdain for a tweet-filled world or consideration for reporters' full fingers. This would definitely imply disdain.

Bop-It (preferably Bop-It Extreme)

This would have to be pretty deep into the bit. There are few games in the world more stressful than Bop-It, especially late into a game, but the idea of Kerr freaking out while a computerized voice screams at him to "TWIST IT" is too good to pass up. Kerr has only done this with toys he can passively fidget with, so this would be a step up for him in terms of intensity. Also, Bop-It Extreme was the best and "Spin It" was a total game changer.

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A wire puzzle

I'm worried about Kerr getting complacent, so this would challenge his right brain a bit (I know left vs. right brain is a myth but it breaks things up neatly). Kerr can design some things and it's a bit more laid back. Wire puzzles are good to fiddle with even when you're making no progress at all, so this would be good for a slow day.

A board game

Just play a game of "Guess Who" with the room or something if there's nothing to tweet. Don't even do press conferences anymore and have impromptu game nights. It's like the Warriors' final form.

Fidget spinners

Yes, they're stupid, but you can't just go with the classics. Kerr has to connect with kids somehow, it's not like basketball is hip or anything.

A Nintendo Switch

Because why not. The people of "Super Mario Odyssey" aren't going to liberate themselves.

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Kerr doesn't know what he's done with this bit, but I hope he does it for the rest of the season. Some people may grow weary of it, but it's just clean, drama-free fun. It's a weird one to lean into, but it helps people do their jobs and he gets to be "Wacky Kerr." So who's getting hurt? Some NBA coaches give outrageously short interviews (shout-out Coach Popovich) and others are simultaneously really into and hate data (TAKE THAT COACH FIZDALE). For Kerr, he just doesn't like having idle hands.