Darrelle Revis won a Super Bowl with the Patriots last year, but now that he's back on the Jets, he's free to criticize his former team. It looks like he's starting with Deflategate.

Even though he was on the team when the scandal happened, the controversy seemingly only pertains to quarterback Tom Brady and anyone else who might have helped him deflate footballs. Revis, a cornerback, says that he had no role in Deflategate.

Speaking with Manish Mehta of The New York Daily News, Revis gave a pretty straightforward explanation for Deflategate.

"Everybody's blowing it up because it is Tom Brady," Revis told Mehta. "I understand that. But if (the NFL) feels he did the crime or he did something and they want to penalize them, then that's that. (The Patriots) have a history of doing stuff. You can't hide that ... Tom was there when they did that stuff in the past."

"That stuff" undoubtedly means Spygate -- when the Patriots were caught videotaping the New York Jets' coaching signals. That was during the 2007 season and, as Revis pointed out, Brady was, in fact, the quarterback while that happened.

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Now, as the drama surrounding Deflategate shifts to Tom Brady's appeal of his four-game suspension, the debate begins: Should Roger Goodell recuse himself during Brady's appeal?

Revis shot down that idea.

"He's the judge, jury and executioner," Revis told The New York Daily News. "Everybody signed off on it ... Why didn't we stand up when it was time to stand up? You can talk about it after the fact, but we all agreed to it. So (the union's) got to point the finger back at (the union)."

If Revis keeps on talking, the Patriots could point the finger back at him. Though, now that he's playing for the Patriots' rival, he seems to be playing his role perfectly. And really, the Patriots probably shouldn't have any hard feelings. They got Revis for a year, and he played a crucial role in their Super Bowl run.

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Not to mention that Revis made it pretty clear he still has respect for Brady. Revis told The New York Daily News that Brady "is going to go down as one of the greatest -- if not the best -- quarterback that's ever played."

Revis won a championship with the Patriots before leaving for New York. (USATSI)