It doesn't look like Russell Wilson has a future as a movie critic. (Twitter)

Russell Wilson has had a solid career so far as an NFL quarterback but his career as a movie critic has gotten off to a rocky start. 

The Seahawks quarterback went to see 50 Shades of Grey on Thursday night and by Friday morning, his review of the movie was in.

Wilson only used two words to actually review 50 Shades of Grey (Great movie), but apparently, that was enough to enrage half of his fan base. 

Some fans seemed to be offended that Wilson -- who's very open about his religion -- went out and saw a movie that's basically a 110-minute 'How-to' guide on submissive sex. 

There was also a faction of fans who were mad because Wilson saw a "bad" movie and liked it. No one wants to be a fan of someone who has bad taste in movies.

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These people aren't alone in calling 50 Shades of Grey a bad movie. It's currently holding steady with a 27 percent on Rotten Tomatoes

Anyway, there was also at least one fan who thinks that maybe Wilson should lose his endorsements.  

And then there was this guy who had this theory. 

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However, we know the "hacked" theory is wrong because Wilson got back on Twitter later Friday and defended his decision to see the movie. 

Bad tweet Russ. BECAUSE 50 SHADES WASN'T EVEN FILMED IN SEATTLE, at least according to the guy below and E! News

The moral of the story: If you're an NFL quarterback, do not see a movie. Ever. Unless it's Scarface. Scarface is OK.