Add Russell Wilson to the fairly long list of people who have made changes to plans because of North Carolina's controversial transgender bathroom law. The Seahawks quarterback reportedly moved his wedding from North Carolina to London because of H.B.2, the "bathroom bill" that's in place where he played college football.

Asked about his decision to move the wedding, Russell said the most Russell thing possible, not acknowledging what he did, while also sending a message and incorporating Jesus.

"I'm just going to simply talk about, I just believe Jesus loves all people," Wilson said, via ESPN's Sheil Kapadia. "That's honestly what I believe, and I just always constantly pray for world peace. I pray for peace in the world. I pray for joy. But my focus right now is just on the Cowboys and scoring in the red zone."

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Those last two sentences are going to make for a heck of a yearbook quote for some lucky kid in the next few years. Maybe the comments will go largely unnoticed, which is fine.

He's not saying anything controversial, which is a hallmark of Wilson's, and he's managing to squeeze in something about hard work and religion, also both hallmarks of Wilson answers.

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The bottom line is Wilson doesn't agree with the law and he took somewhat of a stand against it by moving his wedding. But the reality of the timing for him -- the season starts in just a few weeks and the Seahawks are a legitimate threat to win the Super Bowl -- means he's not interested in creating an unnecessary controversy around himself.