The ladies love Rob Gronkowski's lap dances. (Instagram)

Rob Gronkowski has gone from hitting on reporters to doing lap dances for them, which actually shouldn't surprise anyone because this is Gronk we're talking about. 

If you've lost track of everything that Gronk has done since the Patriots won the Super Bowl on Feb. 1, let me refresh your memory: Gronk took his shirt off at a postgame party, he spiked a bouquet of roses, he chugged whiskey and beer at the Patriots Super Bowl parade, he wore a bra at the parade, he fell asleep at the airport, he was a guest 'Kelly & Michael,' he spent some time with Jay Z, he played Dodgeball at a minor league hockey game and he hung out with a puppy.

There was also the time on Feb. 12 where he hit on a reporter.   

Then, just when you start wondering if Gronk will be able to top himself, he does. Gronk was in New York for NBA All-Star weekend when he did an interview with media personality Ashlee Ray.

Before the interview started though, Gronk had to do his warm-up dance -- or is that a lap dance?

Yup. That's definitely a lap dance. 

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Gronk also spent some time dancing with 50 Cent on Friday. It wasn't lap dancing though, it was regular dancing. You can see the video here, but keep in mind, there are a few bad words.