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Just when you thought the Pittsburgh Penguins couldn't possibly sustain any more injuries, they received a couple more major scares on Monday night in Ottawa.

In the first period after a hip check on Sidney Crosby from Marc Methot, Crosby was sent airborne and nearly hit Pascal Dupuis in the face with his skate. As it was it was a rough collision for the two and each had to leave the game. (GIF via The Score.)

Crosby went down the tunnel and wasn't seen for a few minutes, causing every fan in Pittsburgh to hold their breath and cross their fingers. Crisis was averted a few minutes later when Crosby came back on the bench and returned to the game. He didn't look worse for the wear upon returning.

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However things didn't look as positive for Dupuis who left the ice in obvious pain, hardly able to put weight on his leg. It looked like his knee was the recipient of the damage, never a good sign. Dupuis went down the tunnel and unlike Crosby, he did not come back.

The Penguins are the definitnion of snakebit at the moment. They are already down several players including Evgeni Malkin and a slew of defensemen at the moment. Still, they have managed to win seven straight games and build their biggest division lead of the season.

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Dupuis has seven goals and 13 assists this season in 38 games. Since the 2008-09 season ended, Dupuis has missed just two games.