CBS Sports Network is set to air a new documentary film, "The Black 14: Wyoming Football 1969," which takes a deep dive into the story of 14 African-American football players who were kicked off the Wyoming football team in 1969 due to their desire to protest racial injustices taking place around the United States.
The Wyoming team, three-time defending WAC champions entering the season, started the 1969 season with a 4-0 record. But before the Cowboys' game against BYU, 14 African-American players on the team decided to wear black arm bands on their uniforms to protest BYU and the Mormon Church's decision to ban African-American priests.
The players were subsequently kicked off the team by coach Lloyd Eaton, and his decision was supported by the school.
The documentary takes a look at what went into the decision of the players to protest, the school's choice to kick them off the team, and the fallout from the events.
Produced by Blake Berson, "The Black 14: Wyoming Football 1969" will air Saturday, Feb. 11 at 10:30 p.m. ET on CBS Sports Network.