You might've heard that top prospect Alex Bregman made his big-league debut on Monday night.

Much of the attention since the Astros recalled Bregman from the minors had to do with his bat -- and for good reason. His contact and on-base abilities give him a chance to be a quality player. Yet his first memorable big-league moment came on defense. Here he is making a difficult play look easy:

Keep in mind, Bregman is a shortstop prospect. But as you may recall, there's a 21-year-old wunderkind by the name of Carlos Correa playing that position for the Astros. Monday marks Bregman's 14th professional start at third base. He's probably not supposed to be able to charge a ball, backhand it on a short hop, then make an accurate throw while his momentum is taking him away from first base like that. But he did, and he did it effortlessly.

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So yeah, Bregman might have a future in this game. Just wait 'til he starts hitting. Sheesh.