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Ever wonder what Glen “Big Baby” Davis is up to? On Thursday he went on Snapchat, used the banana filter and rambled about lemons in a Jamaican accent, which wasn’t weird at all. The next morning, the former Boston Celtics forward appeared on Fox Sports 1’s “Undisputed” and discussed Ray Allen being excluded from the 2008 championship team’s planned reunion this summer. 

In Davis’ view, Allen should be invited. The same was said by Boston president Danny Ainge and former coach Doc Rivers. This, of course, follows Rajon Rondo saying that a vacation was in the works and he and other veterans had decided that Allen wouldn’t be welcome because he left for the Miami Heat in the summer of 2012. 

“Yes, Ray should be invited to the reunion,” Davis said. “He was a big part of that team. You think about situations -- Ray got us out of a lot of situations. Yeah, you should invite the man. I would love to see Ray. I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

Davis said that Ainge or Rivers should have addressed the disconnect between Rondo and Allen while the two were still teammates. 

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“We were an extremely close-knit basketball team,” Davis said. “I just think when Rondo started to appear and started to [say], ‘Hey, here I am,’ it wasn’t a mutual, ‘Hey, this is our new shining star’ with Ray. It was more, ‘Hey, this is K.G., Paul, Ray Allen’s team.’ And I just feel like it could have been stopped. Whatever that [was], it could have been stopped.”

Like Rondo, Davis wasn’t exactly thrilled when Allen joined a Miami team that had just defeated Boston in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals. It was Allen’s best chance to win a title as a supporting player, though, and Davis doesn’t believe the bad blood back then should mean the sharpshooter is left out of the upcoming get-together. 

Davis’ opinion matters because it shows a divide over whether or not Allen should be included. When Rondo initially told The Undefeated’s Marc Spears about all this, he said that he “reached out to a couple of other vets and asked them what they wanted to do with the situation” and they said Allen shouldn’t be a part of it. Another Celtics player was quoted anonymously saying, “I mean, Ray left. He left to the enemy.” Leon Powe, however, went on record saying that he was surprised to find out Allen wasn’t invited and he would prefer that Allen was there. 

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The Boston Globe’s Gary Washburn also quoted Pierce saying he’s “over it” and would pick up the phone if Allen called. Clearly, the entire team is not holding onto the grudge almost five years later. Maybe there’s a chance someone like Davis, Powe or Pierce can be a peacemaker.