Armed with a treasure chest of assets like the Brooklyn Nets’ 2017 first-round pick, the Boston Celtics have the potential to pull off a major trade before Thursday’s trade deadline.

The Celtics are No. 2 in the East and, with Isaiah Thomas becoming a free agent this summer, adding a key player now will likely help Boston against the Cleveland Cavaliers while also further convincing their All-Star guard that he should re-sign. 

So with this in mind, Celtics fans went crazy on Twitter after Thomas tweeted the ever popular two-eyes emoji, as perhaps he was reacting to a potential trade that Boston was about to complete.

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Adding fuel to the fire, Pistons center Andre Drummond, who Detroit has considered trading, retweeted Thomas and then posted his own two-eyes emoji tweet:

Drummond might just be playing around, but Thomas tweeted the two eyes emoji over the summer right before the Celtics signed Al Horford, so there is precedent as to why Celtics fans freaked out like they did. Also, because of Thomas’ tweet reporters began to reach out to the Celtics to see if a potential deal was in the works. This led to Celtics assistant general manager Mike Zarren to crack a joke about Thomas’ emoji use.

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Zarren hasn’t denied that a trade is or could be happening, so his joke hasn’t quelled Celtics fans’ angst and anticipation. But likely nothing will keep Celtics fans and the rest of the NBA world calm until the Feb. 23 trade deadline passes. Until then the rumors, reports and cryptic tweets will keep fueling speculation.