New York Knicks guard Derrick Rose apparently has changed his tune when it comes to free agency. Rose famously brought up the influx of money from the NBA’s television deal at Chicago Bulls media day in September 2015, and a report earlier this season indicated he would seek a maximum contract this summer. He told reporters, however, that he’ll be concerned about winning above everything else, via ESPN:

“Not even thinking money. I’ve got more than enough money saved. If I stopped playing basketball now, I’ll be all right,” Rose told reporters in Utah on Wednesday night. “I want to win. I want to be happy and feel at peace with myself wherever I’m at. But being at the negotiating table, you never know. I’m not going to negotiate with people where money is the No. 1 thing I’m asking for. I want to win.”

Asked on Wednesday whether he can fit in the triangle, Rose said, “I’d be fine.” He added: “I’m just confident in any offense.”

Rose will take an open approach to free agency.

“It’s a part of free agency to see about the other teams out there, whoever is out there, whoever is interested. At least give them a chance and go from there.

“This will be the first time I’ll be a free agent. I don’t know how that process goes,” he added. “After the season, me, my agent, my brothers, family will have to talk about it. Of course I want to be here, just being in this environment, being in New York, being at the Garden every other night -- it’s a blessing. But, again, I have to really talk it over with my agent and my brothers.”

Rose missed the playoffs with the Bulls last season, and the Knicks are 27-45 right now. It’s understandable that he’d prioritize winning. It’s notable, though, that he’s still saying he wants to be in New York, even after a tumultuous season and rumors that the team might just waive him. Does he really think the franchise is going to turn things around next season?

The bigger question isn’t even how much the Knicks are willing to pay him; it’s how interested they are in bringing him back at all. ESPN reported they haven’t ruled it out, but I am having a hard time seeing how that makes any sense, especially with coach Jeff Hornacek pledging to go full triangle next season. Rose has put up fine per-game numbers in New York, but he has been a mess defensively and has struggled with the offensive system. 

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The other variable is Rose’s role. There’s not much point in signing Rose if you’re not willing to let him dominate the ball, but most winning teams probably won’t want to do that unless he’s coming off the bench. Finding a situation that works for him might not be easy. It will help, though, if he is indeed willing to sacrifice money in order to fit.