Kidd won't play at Brooklyn. (Getty UpdatImages)

Update: Kidd is officially out vs. Brooklyn and not with the team. We'll update on Kidd's condition when we know more. Which might be never, since the Knicks are basically the CIA with this stuff. 

New York's Daily News reports New York Knicks guard Jason Kidd could be out vs. the Brooklyn Nets on Monday night with a back injury. Mike Woodson hasn't revealed who's in or out and won't until game time. 

Update: The Knicks will start Ronnie Brewer at the 2-guard, move Melo to the 3 and then start Kurt Thomas. This makes sense, because, oh, no, wait, it doesn't make sense at all as Melo has had the best start to his career playing power forward. But they must want to battle the Nets' dominant inside defensive team of Brook Lopez and Kris Humphries. J.R. Smith will continue to come off the bench. 

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Smith can match up well with Joe Johnson and MarShon Brooks, and his aggressiveness will be necessary against a high-octane offensive team in Brooklyn.