ORLANDO, Fla. -- Kevin Durant was ejected from Friday night's game between the Warriors and Magic at a pretty strange time.

Golden State led Orlando by 16 points after Durant made a basket when he turned and had some words for referee Scott Foster. He was given a technical and immediately ejected from the game.

Players getting ejected isn't anything new, but Durant's ejection came in the closing moments of a 133-112 victory for the Warriors. Typically players on the winning side just let the game play out, but Durant was frustrated with what he believed was a foul on the previous play. He explained his frustrations after the game.

"The refs run the game so if they're not feeling good today they can make any decision they want. I know they got all the power. I just gotta shut up and take it. ... I guess I tried to show him up and he didn't like it so he threw me out. ... It should have been two shots, but he didn't give me an explanation on that cause I kept asking him about it."

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Durant was frustrated with the non-call and it's a major pet peeve among players when they receive a foul without explanation. Warriors coach Steve Kerr echoed Durant's frustration with the call.

"He got fouled on a shot and for some reason they didn't give him two free throws. Which was kind of bizarre. It was one of the most bizarre non-calls I've ever seen. It looked so obvious that he should have been at the line. So, I'm sure he was upset about it. I was upset about that too."

Despite Kerr's frustration with the call he did seem to take it all in stride. This was after all one ejection amid a long NBA season.

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"He said the bad word, the magic word. I told Scott Foster, I call you that all the time and you never kicked me out, he said, 'But I am one.'"