In one of the strangest stories of the 2017 season, Dolphins offensive line coach Chris Foerster resigned in October after a video surfaced showing him snorting cocaine. Foerster entered rehab a short time later, and in a recent interview with's Tom Pelissero said that he's happy to finally get his life back on track.

"All this s--- I had going on outside of work, I don't want to do this anymore," Foerster said. "I don't want to drink anymore. I don't want to use anymore. And sure enough, two weeks later, the video came out. So you can say it's divine intervention. It wasn't the way I saw everything leaving my life like that. But I knew it was coming. At 55 years old, man, I just couldn't do this anymore."

The video of Foerster doing lines went viral after it was posted to social media by Kijuana Nige. Foerster said he first met Nige in September. The two partied together for two days and by the time he made the video weeks later, he had used cocaine for eight or nine straight days.

"I was so messed up at the time," Foerster told Pelissero, admitting that he'd sometimes come straight to the office at 4 in the morning after a night out. "I never ran a meeting (high), never at my job, I was never under the influence."

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Foerster, who is unemployed and living in a home where he's drug-tested twice a week, considers himself lucky.

"I've never felt better," he said. "I've never been happier. I've never been more clear. I've never been more open to whatever the possibilities are as I am right now today."

Foerster also hopes to coach again one day but says he's at peace if it doesn't happen.

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"I had 25 years in the league and 10 in college," he said. "I've been blessed. I made a terrible mistake and I'm responsible for it, and I didn't go to treatment because I wanted to get my job back. I knew this s--- was out of control. It's been the most humbling experience. But it's what I needed."