Brian Lusk is a Broncos fan and he's understandably excited about his favorite team making it to the Super Bowl. That said, he's not quite willing to sell his house for two tickets to the Big Game, no matter what you may have read in the paper.


The ad -- "Getting divorced. Leaving her with nothing. Will sell home for two tickets to the Super Bowl with airfare and lodging" -- has Lusk's phone ringing non-stop.

Funny story: Yes, that's Lusk's house, but he's not willing to swap it for Super Bowl tickets. He's also not getting divorced. But his friend, a Steelers fan who had enough of Lusk gloating when Denver beat Pittsburgh in the AFC divisional matchup, decided a little retribution was in order. He was the one who put the ad in the paper.

"I have a buddy who's a good Pittsburgh Steelers fan –- and we had some bets going for the Steelers game, and of course the Broncos won, so I rode him pretty hard for two or three days and gave him a lot of heck," Lusk told

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Lusk has received a number of phone calls asking if the ad was serious. He also has had a lot of interest.

One man called saying the house would be perfect for his daughter and her new husband. He offered Lusk two tickets on the 45 yard line twenty rows back along with first class airfare and a suite at a hotel.

Lusk shared his story for two reasons: He hopes people will quit calling him, and he's looking for ideas on payback for his Steelers-loving friend.

"I'd like to look to Bronco nation for some ideas on how to get him back," he explained.

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Winning the Super Bowl seems like a good start.