If you're a hockey fan you probably know more about Phoenix Coyotes forward Paul Bissonnette because of his popular Twitter feed than anything he's done on the ice during his 135 career NHL games.

On Wednesday night he decided to use that platform to briefly talk about the ongoing NHL labor negotiations and may have ruffled the feathers of hockey fans -- even if his comments were 100 percent accurate.

He's received quite a response for his comments, and while many fans will be upset with the message, there's nothing wrong or incorrect with what he said. It really is the reality.

Fans like to think they have a say and can impact the matter (with videos like this), and both sides will offer them lip service about how it really is about them, but it's not. It still all comes down to the owners and the players and how they can figure out how to slice up a $3 billion pie no matter how long it takes. 

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In the end the fans will come back, wallets open, because that's what fans always do because of their desire to watch the game they love.

The NHL and NHLPA exchanged proposals again on Wednesday afternoon with little progress, while the league issued an ultimatinum that its offer will no longer be on the table after Saturday.

If no deal is completed by then the league will lock the players out. It will be the third time since 1994 that has happened.

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