Novak Djokovic withdrew from the Canadian Open in Montreal on Thursday because of his COVID-19 vaccination status. Since Djokovic is not vaccinated, he is not allowed to enter Canada.

While Djokovic is forced to miss the tournament in Montreal, his status for the US Open is also in jeopardy. That tournament is slated to begin on Aug. 29, and Djokovic may have to withdraw because the U.S. does not allow unvaccinated foreigners to enter the country.

Djokovic is holding out hope that he will be able to participate in the US Open, though. The Serbian recently posted on social media that he is preparing as though he will be able to take part in the final Grand Slam tournament of the year.

"I am preparing as if I will be allowed to compete, while I await to hear if there is any room for me to travel to US," Djokovic tweeted. "Fingers crossed!"

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Throughout his impressive tennis career, Djokovic has won the US Open on three different occasions. Last year, Djokovic reached the final round before falling to Daniil Medvedev. 

Djokovic also had to withdraw from the Australian Open earlier this year, but he did get to play in the French Open and Wimbledon. Djokovic won Wimbledon and was eliminated by Rafael Nadal in the quarterfinals of the French Open.

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Currently the world No. 6, Djokovic has won Wimbledon and the Italian Open this year while posting an overall record of 23-5.