Sunday was April Fool's Day, and for 24 hours people lied to one another in hopes that they'd fool each other and get to yell "April Fools!" It sounds pretty dumb when it's put that way, doesn't it? That's because it is dumb. Very dumb, really, but that doesn't stop it from happening.

That's because, as P.T. Barnum was once credited with saying, there's a sucker born every minute.  And apparently Michigan 's Kenny Demens believes some of those suckers were born in Ann Arbor, as the linebacker looked to pull a prank on the Michigan faithful. 

Demens tweeted photos of himself with a cast on his hand and told his followers "Out for the season with a hand injury. Hope all uofm still support the maize & blue. Wish it was a joke. Y’all see the proof."

Now, anybody who fell for this gag deserved the stress it may have caused. There really isn't a hand injury that can be suffered in April that would keep a football player out for 8 months as long as the hand is still attached, and the photo clearly shows that the hand is still there.

Demens would keep the charade going a bit longer before finally confessing that his hand would be in the cast for only a couple of weeks.

Which is a good thing for Michigan, as Demens started all 13 games for the Wolverines in 2011, and led the team in tackles with 94.