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First, you should know this is not a jab at arthritis or anyone who suffers from it. I have multiple family members who go through a lot of arthritis pain and I feel for anyone who has to endure that.

This is a hilarious video, however, of Phil Mickelson representing Enbrel, an arthritis pain medicine. Phil does so many Phil things I couldn't help but give a frame-by-frame recap.

Here we go:

0:02 -- The club rubbing thing is more creepy than a multithumbs-up hole. Also, when's the last time he actually cleaned a club? High school? Earlier?

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0:05 - The transition from club to spaghetti sauce open is spectacular. Actually all the transitions in this piece are top shelf. Let's keep going.

0:07 -- I love that Mickelson's parents are labeled "champion parents." In a video full of amazing moments, that might be the most amazing of them all.

0:11 -- How fired up is the tall guy in the middle on the right side with the floppy hair? He looks like he just got chosen for that Bar Refaeli commercial

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0:21 -- Serious Phil Face!

0:30 -- You know when the producer thought of the tee-to-newspaper transition he started Tiger fist pumping all over the place. Seamless!

0:41 -- How often do you think Mickelson plays baseball with the neighborhood kids? Is this, like, a weekly pickup game? I need answers.

0:46 -- The putt-marker-to-shoe-tie transition was jarring. You're reaching, Enbrel; let's reel this thing back in!

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0:50 -- I honestly laughed out loud at the cheering-to-cheering bit. His "champion parents" make another cameo.

0:55 -- I would say this is a ridiculous scene, but Phil losing his mind at a Little League game would be about the most Phil thing ever.

So much greatness.

What did you guys love?

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