Golf is a game played by humans whose skills we mortals do not understand. In many ways, they seem robotic. They swing the same swings on the same golf balls hundreds of times a day and get (mostly) the same results. 

And nobody seems more machine-like when he’s really feeling it than Henrik Stenson.

I say that endearingly, too. His precision and unflappable nature when he’s really locked in are a joy to watch. He often seems programmed so that nobody else on the course can touch him.

But Stenson was also part of the most human moment of the Valspar Championship this week. His family drove up to watch him play after he neared the first-round lead on Thursday. His daughter raced inside the ropes to greet him during his round and give him a hug. It was awesome.

“My family drove up today,” Stenson said after the round. “The kids were out of school and yeah, she doesn’t know to stay outside the ropes, that’s for sure. She comes running in when she sees me. That was good.

“Yeah, they drove out from Orlando today to hang out a little bit. She’s on television again now. She likes to be inside the ropes, like you guys. It’s not the first time.”

Hopefully not the last either. 

Stenson trails by seven going into his final round on Sunday.