'You want what for Garrett Jones?' (Getty Images)

Every now and then, you encounter a dispatch that makes the high-level discussions between major-league front offices seem informed by message-board absurdities. Take this report from Rob Biertempfel of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ...

This afternoon, I heard in the lobby that the Pirates continued to explore a possible trade that would send first baseman Garrett Jones to the Mariners, but apparently made little progress. The latest report I’ve heard is that the Pirates were rebuffed after offering to send Jones to Seattle for right-hander Taijaun Walker, the Mariners’ top pitching prospect.

Holy leaping crap. I assume this was nothing more than a gobsmackingly ridiculous opening offer from the Pirates, but still ... Garrett Jones for Taijuan Walker. To be sure, Jones has his uses as a guy who can occasionally run into a right-handed fastball, but he's demonstrably not the sort who fetches a guy like the Mariners' Walker. Can't blame a GM for trying, I suppose.

In high-level discussions of our own, my colleague, Matt Snyder, characterized this trade offer as being of this familiar variety: "How about Garrett Jones for Taijuan Walker? I'll hang up and listen to your thoughts ..."

Pretty much. Garrett Jones for Taijuan Walker.

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