The Rangers beat the Indians 2-1 on Sunday (box score). That victory increased the margin by which they presently enjoy the best record in the American League. Those are two good things from the Texas standpoint. A third good thing is that on Sunday, Carlos Beltran's hair looked outstanding. Here, see for yourself ...

Yep, that's Carlos Beltran with his hair looking outstanding. The 39-year-old future Hall of Famer is batting .288/.327/.506 on the season, and he enjoyed an off day on Sunday. What's a good way to spend your off day? A good way is to hang out with friends while your hair looks outstanding. Know who's impressed? Martin Perez is impressed.

That's Martin Perez. He's thinking to himself, "Man, Carlos Beltran's hair looks outstanding," probably. Here's another view ...

And another ...

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Really, the cost of a Sharpie or shoe polish or hot road tar is small price to pay if the return on investment is looking great. Just ask Carlos Beltran, whose hair looks outstanding.