The Bucks just signed point guard Jeff Teague to a four-year offer sheet in restricted free agency, and he will be their starter if the Hawks don't match that offer. And they just traded for Teague's backup, too.  The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that the team has traded a second-round pick for Wolves guard Luke Ridnour. 

Ridnour became a luxury as the Wolves found Alexey Shved to be a more-than-capable backup. J.J. Barea can run the offense in a pinch. This offseason, the Wolves clearly targeted upgrading their wing after re-signing Chase Budinger. They also added Kevin Martin and Corey Brewer.

Trading Ridnour clears up some cap space, and point guard is not a position of need. 

For Milwaukee, it gives them someone who is more of a pure point to run their second unit and a character guy for the locker room. Ridnour's not going to set the world on fire, but he's a very capable backup on an expiring deal at just $4.3 million. 

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