Not everyone in Jacksonville is on the Tebow bandwagon. (
There may be a subset of the Jacksonville-area population that remains intrigued by hometown hero Tim Tebow, but general manager David Caldwell, with the support of owner Shahid Khan, has made it clear that Tebow's NFL future does not include signing with the Jaguars.

And while proponents have gone so far as to implore President Obama through a short-lived petition to force the Jags to sign Tebow, the former Heisman Trophy winner also has his detractors. Specifically:, a website devoted to supporting the Jaguars steering clear of Tebowmania. As of this writing, more than half a million votes have been cast "from real Jaguars fans that don't need Tim Tebow."

The Jaguars booster club Bold City Brigade is behind

"We are inspired to counter anything or anyone that chooses to attack or spread ignorance about our fan base," John Caputo, president of Bold City Brigade, told's Paul Kuharsky. "We aim to do it in a tasteful and tactful manner, which represents our mission and members. …

"... The website is a direct response to the petition and the lawyer's ad, yes," Caputo continued. "It is our response as actual season ticket holding die-hard Jaguars fans. It's not meant to be anti-Tebow as much as it's meant to show support and solidarity for Shad Khan and the team's vision for the franchise and its direction."

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No word if Patriots coach Bill Belichick supports