The 48-hour drama involving Lucky Whitehead might finally becoming to an end. 

According to, the former Cowboys receiver, who Dallas cut on Monday, was claimed on waivers by the Jets

Whitehead can now focus on playing for another team instead of focusing on his dismissal from the Cowboys. 

Whitehead's beef with the Cowboys started Monday after the team released him following an erroneous police report out of Virginia that falsely accused Whitehead of shoplifting. 

Although Whitehead was named in the police report, authorities later apologized to Whitehead and told him that the whole thing was a case of mistaken identity. 

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Despite the retraction from police, the Cowboys still cut Whitehead, even though he didn't actually do anything illegal. Whitehead's biggest issue with the Cowboys is that they called him a liar. 

"Let's not sugarcoat anything. I was pretty much being called a liar," Whitehead told the Dallas Morning News this week

The whole situation started on Monday when TMZ reported that there was a warrant out for Whitehead's arrest because he allegedly skipped a court date. Of course, Whitehead didn't know about the warrant or the court date because he was never arrested. 

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"As far as the whole situation went down, I was blindsided," Whitehead said. "I didn't know about a warrant that came about in the first place clearly because I wasn't the person arrested. The head person [in the Cowboys organization] I told, no one backed me up. No one had my back in the whole situation. I knew about it at what, 12:45 [on Monday]. By 2:30, I'm released."

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones spent the offseason preaching that his team has a "high bar" for character, which is why Whitehead was so surprised that the team cut ties with him without getting all the details from his alleged arrest. 

"As far as the stuff that was preached [by the Cowboys], I was left out to dry," Whitehead said. "You see the mantras that are all around 'the star.' I mean, by 12:45 I figured out that this is even going on. By 2:30 I was released. What's the real reason? Let me clear my name. I didn't have time to do that."

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Whitehead will probably be fuming for awhile about how he was treated during his final hours in Dallas. 

"I mean, I just get thrown to the wolves," Whitehead told ABC News

Although Whitehead has made plenty of headlines over the past 48 hours, we might not hear much out of him for the rest of the season. The truth of the matter is that Whitehead might have been cut by the Cowboys even if he didn't make headlines this week. 

The 25-year-old would have had a tough time making the Cowboys roster. However, in New York he might have a slightly better chance because the Jets have very few proven wide receivers on the roster. 

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Of course, Whitehead isn't exactly an established receiver himself. He only caught three passes for 16 yards last season.